Our cloud services meet today’s business and IT challenges, speed up development and transformation, and lower costs.

They also mitigate business risks by providing secure, responsive, high-availability infrastructure which can respond to unexpected demand or market downturns.


We deliver our cloud services on our fully managed delivery platform. Hosted within your data centre or ours, the Managed Cloud Platform comprises industry-leading hardware and software, coupled with virtualisation technology, operating system software, and CloudControl. CloudControl is our cloud management system which provides operational control and automation of cloud resource provisioning, orchestration, administration, and billing.

Cloud Migration Services

Migrasi ke cloud publik sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sebagai langkah strategis, yang mencakup meninjau dan merencanakan setiap langkah sebelum migrasi agar organisasi Anda dapat mengalami transisi yang lancar.

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Infrastructure as a Service


Ketika Anda membutuhkan kecepatan implementasi yang lebih cepat dan skalabilitas yang tinggi tanpa kompromi

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Network as a Service


As a Digital Technology Solution Provider, we are focusing on 8 Pillar Technology

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Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service

Waktu produksi yang lebih cepat dan SLA terjamin untuk aplikasi Anda

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